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3 bytes added ,  22:53, 24 January 2011
is the study of the price formation mechanism. It also typically addresses
what we can learn from prices (i.e., the information content of a trade).
In �nance finance as we are obsessed with prices, studying how they arise from
agents' strategic behavior seems a sensible place to start. As data are readily
available, there is a voluminous empirical literature. Given that a lot of the
models are very stylized and the operation of the markets so complex, the
empirical work is aggressively reduced form. Needless to say, I won't cover
the empirical work { as this does not represent my comparative advantage.1 After the crisis, researchers in other �elds fields (asset pricing) are beginning to
understand that understanding the mechanics of trade is important. I will try
to address how some of the ideas of microstructure have been incorporated
into the other �eldsfields. Given the brevity of the course, this list is both short
and idiosyncratic.
*Back, Kerry and S. Baruch (2005), "Working Orders in Limit-Order Markets and Floor Exchanges", Journal of Finance [ (pdf)]
*Rosu, I. (2005), "A Dynamic Model of the Limit Order Book", U Chicago working paper. [ (pdf)]
===Market Design and Competition between Markets===
*Biais, Bruno (1993), "Price Formation and Equilibrium liquidity in Fragmented and Centralized Markets", Journal of Finance 48, 157-185. [ (pdf)]
*Biais, B., D. Martimort and J. Rochet (2000), "Competing Mechanisms in a Common Value Environment", Econometrica 68, 799-838. [ (pdf)]
*Holmstrom, B. and Tirole, J. (2001), "LAPM - a liquidity based asset pricing model" [ (pdf)]
*Easley, David and M. O'Hara (2004) - "Information and the cost of capital", Journal of Finance Vol.59, No 4. p 1553-1583. [ (pdf)]
===Slow Moving Capital and Asset prices===
*Gromb, Denis and Vayanos, Dimtri (2002), "Equilibrium and Welfare in Markets with Financially Constrained Arbitrageurs", Journal of Financial Economics [ (pdf)]
*Duffie, Darrell, Semyon Malamud and Gustavo Manso (2009), "Information Percolation with Equilibrium Search Dynamics", Econometrica, Volume 77: 1513-1574. [ (pdf)]
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