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Revision as of 17:33, 14 June 2016


To Extract Patents with Numbers Only and to Ignore Other RegExes CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cleanpatno (text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ if ($_[0]) { my $var=$_[0]; if ($var=~/^\d*$/) {return $var;} return undef; } return undef; $$ LANGUAGE plperl;

                        • Columns *********************


Column    |       Type        | Modifiers


patent      | integer           |
cit_date    | date              |
cit_name    | character varying |
cit_kind    | character varying |
cit_country | character varying |
citation    | integer           |
category    | character varying |
citseq      | integer           |

SELECT patent as citingpatentnumber, citation AS citedpatentnumber INTO citations_merged FROM citations; --SELECT 38452957


Column        |  Type   | Modifiers


citingpatentnumber  | integer |
citingpatentcountry | text    |
citedpatentnumber   | text    |
citedpatentcountry  | text    |

SELECT CAST(citingpatentnumber AS bigint), CAST(cleanpatno( citedpatentnumber) AS bigint) as citedpatentnumber INTO citations_merged FROM citations; -- RESULT : SELECT 59227881


CREATE TABLE citations ( citingpatentnumber bigint, citedpatentnumber bigint );

Copy Statements:

patentdata: \COPY citations_merged TO '/tmp/merged_citations_export1.txt' DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS CSV; --COPY 38452957

patent_2015: \COPY citations_merged TO '/tmp/merged_citations_export.txt' DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS CSV; -- RESULT : COPY 59227881

allpatent: \COPY citations FROM '/tmp/merged_citations_export.txt' DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS CSV; --RESULT : COPY 59227881

\COPY citations FROM '/tmp/merged_citations_export1.txt' DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS CSV; --RESULT: COPY 38452957

CLONING: CREATE DATABASE allpatentsProcessed WITH TEMPLATE allpatent OWNER researcher;