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{{Project|Has project output=Content|Has sponsor=McNair ProjectsCenter
|Has title=Startup Density Literature Review
|Has owner=Yunnie Huang
|Is dependent on=Urban Start-up Agglomeration,
Below is a list of citations I have gathered looking up key words related to startup density, clustering, and agglomeration.
==About==Below is a list of citations I have gathered looking up papers related to the research on Urban Start-up Agglomeration. They are organized into the three categories (1) about startups (2) about agglomeration in economics in general (3) use GIS data.The academic papers can be found in E drive -> McNair -> Projects -> Agglomeration -> Literature Review. ==Startups==Are All Startups Affected Similarly by Clusters by Aviad Pe'er and Thomas Keil. Cited by 44. About startups, economics agglomeration Fit in both category (1) and (2)
title = {Are all startups affected similarly by clusters? {Agglomeration}, competition, firm heterogeneity, and survival},
pages = {354--372}
Who enters, where and why? by Aviad Pe'er. Cited by 34. Fit in both category (1) and (2)
title = {Who enters, where and why? {The} influence of capabilities and initial resource endowments on the location choices of de novo enterprises},
pages = {119--149}
The New Economics Off Innovation, Spillovers And Agglomeration: A review Of Empirical Studies Accelerators and the Regional Supply of Venture Capital Investment by Maryann PDaniel Fehder and Yael Hochberg. FeldmanFit in category (1) and (2) @articletechreport{feldman_new_1999fehder_accelerators_2014, title address = {The {New} {Economics} {Of} {Innovation}Rochester, {Spillovers} {And} {Agglomeration}: {Areview} {Of} {Empirical} {Studies}NY}, volume title = {8}, issn = {1043-8599}, shorttitle = {The Accelerators and the {NewRegional} {EconomicsSupply} of {OfVenture} {InnovationCapital}, {Spillovers} {And} {AgglomerationInvestment}}, url = {httphttps://dxpapers.doissrn.orgcom/10.1080/10438599900000002}, doi abstract= {10.1080/104385999000000022518668}, abstract = {This paper reviews recent empirical studies Recent years have seen the rapid emergence of a new type of location and innovationprogram aimed at seeding startup companies. The objective is These programs, often referred to highlight the questions addressedas accelerators, approaches adopted, and further issues that remain. The review is organized around the traditions of measuring geographically mediated spillovers and productivity studies that introduce a geographic dimension. The first part identities four separate strains in the empirical spillover literature: innovation production functions; the linkages between patent citations. defined differ from previously known seed-stage institutions such as paper trails: the rnobility of skilled labor based on the notion that knowledge spillovers are transmitted through people; incubators and, last, knowledge spillovers embodied in traded goodsangel groups. The second part considers the composition While proliferation of agglomeration economies, the attributes of knowledgesuch accelerators is evident, evidence on efficacy and the characteristics role of firmsthese programs is scant.}Nonetheless, number = {1-2}, urldate = {2017-10-28}, journal = {Economics local governments and founders of Innovation and New Technology}, author = {Feldman, Maryann P.}, month = jan, year = {1999}, keywords = {Geography, Innovation, L2, Location JEL Classification: 03, Spillovers}, pages = {5--25} Geography, Industrial Organization, such programs often cite the motivation for their establishment and Agglomeration by Stuart S. Rosenthal and William C. Strange@article{rosenthal_geography_2003, title = {Geography, {Industrial} {Organization}, and {Agglomeration}}, volume = {85}, issn = {0034-6535}, url = {}, doi = {10.1162/003465303765299882}, abstract = {This paper makes two contributions funding as the desire to the empirical literature on agglomeration transform their local economies. First, through the paper uses establishment of a unique and rich database startup technology cluster in conjunction with mapping software their region. In this paper, we attempt to measure assess the geographic extent impact that such programs can have on the entrepreneurial ecosystem of agglomerative externalities. Previous papers have been forced to assume that agglomeration economies the regions in which they are club goods that operate at a metropolitan scale. Secondestablished, by exploring the paper tests for the existence of organizational agglomeration economies effects of accelerators on the kind studied qualitatively by Saxenian (1994). This is a potentially important source availability and provision of increasing returns that previous empirical work has not considered. Results indicate that localization economies attenuate rapidly seed and that industrial organization affects early stage venture capital funding in the benefits of agglomerationlocal region.}, number = {2ID 2518668},
urldate = {2017-11-06},
journal institution = {The Review of Economics and StatisticsSocial Science Research Network}, author = {RosenthalFehder, Stuart SDaniel C. and StrangeHochberg, William CYael V.}, month = maysep, year = {20032014}, pages = {377--393} Chapter 49 - Evidence on the Nature and Sources of Agglomeration Economies by Stuart S. Rosenthal and William C. Strange @incollection{rosenthal_chapter_2004, series keywords = {Cities Accelerators and {Geography}}, title = {Chapter 49 - {Evidence} on the {Nature} and {Sources} of {Agglomeration} {Economies}}, volume = {4}, url = {}, abstract = {This paper considers the empirical literature on the nature and sources of urban increasing returns, also known as agglomeration economies. An important aspect of these externalities that has not been previously emphasized is that the effects of agglomeration extend over at least three different dimensions. These are the industrial, geographic, and temporal scope Regional Supply of economic agglomeration economies. In each caseVenture Capital Investment, the literature suggests that agglomeration economies attenuate with distance. Recently, the literature has also begun to provide evidence on the microfoundations of external economies of scale. The best known of these sources are those attributed to Marshall (1920): labor market pooling, input sharing, and knowledge spillovers. Evidence to date supports the presence of all three of these forces. In addition, there is also evidence that natural advantage, home market effects, consumption opportunities, and rent-seeking all contribute to agglomeration.}, urldate = {2017-10-28}, booktitle = {Handbook of {Regional} and {Urban} {Economics}}, publisher = {Elsevier}, author = {Rosenthal, Stuart S. and Strange, William Daniel C.}Fehder, editor = {HendersonSSRN, JYael V. Vernon and Thisse, Jacques-François}, month = jan, year = {2004}, note = {DOI: 10.1016/S1574-0080(04)80006-3}, keywords = {agglomeration economies, external economies, microfoundations, productivity, urban growth}, pages = {2119--2171Hochberg}
Aspiring, nascent and fledgling entrepreneurs: an investigation of the business start-up process by Beate Rotefoss and Lars Kolvereid. Cited by 262.
title = {Aspiring, nascent and fledgling entrepreneurs: an investigation of the business start-up process},
pages = {109--127}
Firm Births, Access to Transit, and Agglomeration in Portland, Oregon, and Dallas by Daniel G. Chatman. Fit in both category (1) and (2).
title = {Firm {Births}, {Access} to {Transit}, and {Agglomeration} in {Portland}, {Oregon}, and {Dallas}, {Texas}},
year = {2013},
keywords = {entrepreneur, local entrepreneurship, regional entrepreneurship, startup hub}
Clusters and entrepreneurship by Mercedes Delgado. Fit in category (1) and (2)
title = {Clusters and entrepreneurship},
volume = {10},
issn = {1468-2702},
url = {},
doi = {10.1093/jeg/lbq010},
abstract = {This article examines the role of regional clusters in regional entrepreneurship. We focus on the distinct influences of convergence and agglomeration on growth in the number of start-up firms as well as in employment in these new firms in a given region-industry. While reversion to the mean and diminishing returns to entrepreneurship at the region-industry level can result in a convergence effect, the presence of complementary economic activity creates externalities that enhance incentives and reduce barriers for new business creation. Clusters are a particularly important way through which location-based complementarities are realized. The empirical analysis uses a novel panel dataset from the Longitudinal Business Database of the Census Bureau and the US Cluster Mapping Project. Using this dataset, there is significant evidence of the positive impact of clusters on entrepreneurship. After controlling for convergence in start-up activity at the region-industry level, industries located in regions with strong clusters (i.e. a large presence of other related industries) experience higher growth in new business formation and start-up employment. Strong clusters are also associated with the formation of new establishments of existing firms, thus influencing the location decision of multi-establishment firms. Finally, strong clusters contribute to start-up firm survival.},
number = {4},
urldate = {2017-11-06},
journal = {Journal of Economic Geography},
author = {Delgado, Mercedes and Porter, Michael E. and Stern, Scott},
month = jul,
year = {2010},
pages = {495--518}
==Agglomeration in Economics==
Chapter 49 - Evidence on the Nature and Sources of Agglomeration Economies by Stuart S. Rosenthal and William C. Strange. Cited by 2427.
series = {Cities and {Geography}},
title = {Chapter 49 - {Evidence} on the {Nature} and {Sources} of {Agglomeration} {Economies}},
volume = {4},
url = {},
abstract = {This paper considers the empirical literature on the nature and sources of urban increasing returns, also known as agglomeration economies. An important aspect of these externalities that has not been previously emphasized is that the effects of agglomeration extend over at least three different dimensions. These are the industrial, geographic, and temporal scope of economic agglomeration economies. In each case, the literature suggests that agglomeration economies attenuate with distance. Recently, the literature has also begun to provide evidence on the microfoundations of external economies of scale. The best known of these sources are those attributed to Marshall (1920): labor market pooling, input sharing, and knowledge spillovers. Evidence to date supports the presence of all three of these forces. In addition, there is also evidence that natural advantage, home market effects, consumption opportunities, and rent-seeking all contribute to agglomeration.},
urldate = {2017-10-28},
booktitle = {Handbook of {Regional} and {Urban} {Economics}},
publisher = {Elsevier},
author = {Rosenthal, Stuart S. and Strange, William C.},
editor = {Henderson, J. Vernon and Thisse, Jacques-François},
month = jan,
year = {2004},
note = {DOI: 10.1016/S1574-0080(04)80006-3},
keywords = {agglomeration economies, external economies, microfoundations, productivity, urban growth},
pages = {2119--2171}
Chapter 38 Agglomeration economies and urban public infrastructure by Eberts and McMillen. Cited by 252
series = {Applied {Urban} {Economics}},
title = {Chapter 38 {Agglomeration} economies and urban public infrastructure},
volume = {3},
url = {},
abstract = {This chapter reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on agglomeration economies and urban public infrastructure. Theory links the two concepts by positing that agglomeration economies exist when firms in an urban area share a public good as an input to production. One type of shareable input is the close proximity of businesses and labor, that generates positive externalities which in turn lower the production cost of one business as the output of other businesses increases. The externalities result from businesses sharing nonexcludable inputs, such as a common labor pool, technical expertise, general knowledge and personal contacts. Another perhaps more tangible type of shareable input is urban public infrastructure. Public capital stock, such as highways, water treatment facilities, and communication systems, directly affect the efficient operation of cities by facilitating business activities and improving worker productivity. The literature has devoted considerable attention to both topics, but not together. Studies of agglomeration economies in several countries find that manufacturing firms are more productive in large cities than in smaller ones. Studies of the effect of infrastructure on productivity show positive, but in some cases statistically insignificant, effects of public capital stock on productivity. Most of these studies are at the national and state levels. Only a handful of studies have focused on the metropolitan level, and even fewer have estimated agglomeration economies and infrastructure effects simultaneously. Results from studies that include both types of shared inputs suggest that both spatial proximity and physical infrastructure contribute positively to the productivity of firms in urban areas. More research is needed to explore the interrelationships between urban size and urban public infrastructure and to open the “black box” of agglomeration economies and estimate how the various other factors associated with urban size affect productivity.},
urldate = {2017-11-07},
booktitle = {Handbook of {Regional} and {Urban} {Economics}},
publisher = {Elsevier},
author = {Eberts, Randall W. and McMillen, Daniel P.},
month = jan,
year = {1999},
note = {DOI: 10.1016/S1574-0080(99)80007-8},
keywords = {Agglomeration economies, optimal city size, productivity, urban public infrastructure},
pages = {1455--1495}
Economics of Agglomeration by Masahisa Fujita and acques-François Thisse. Cited by 1055
title = {Economics of {Agglomeration}},
volume = {10},
issn = {0889-1583},
url = {},
doi = {10.1006/jjie.1996.0021},
abstract = {We address the fundamental question arising in geographical economics: why do economic activities agglomerate in a small number of places? The main reasons for the formation of economic clusters involving firms and/or households are analyzed: (i) externalities under perfect competition; (ii) increasing returns under monopolistic competition; and (iii) spatial competition under strategic interaction. We review what has been accomplished in these three domains and identify a few general principles governing the organization of economic space. A few alternative, new approaches are also proposed.J. Japan. Int. Econ.,December 1996,10(4), pp. 339–378. Kyoto University and University of Pennsylvania; and CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain and CERAS–ENPC (URA 2036, CNRS).},
number = {4},
urldate = {2017-11-06},
journal = {Journal of the Japanese and International Economies},
author = {Fujita, Masahisa and Thisse, Jacques-François},
month = dec,
year = {1996},
pages = {339--378}
The New Economics Off Innovation, Spillovers And Agglomeration: A review Of Empirical Studies by Maryann P. Feldman. Cited by 932.
title = {The {New} {Economics} {Of} {Innovation}, {Spillovers} {And} {Agglomeration}: {Areview} {Of} {Empirical} {Studies}},
volume = {8},
issn = {1043-8599},
shorttitle = {The {New} {Economics} {Of} {Innovation}, {Spillovers} {And} {Agglomeration}},
url = {},
doi = {10.1080/10438599900000002},
abstract = {This paper reviews recent empirical studies of location and innovation. The objective is to highlight the questions addressed, approaches adopted, and further issues that remain. The review is organized around the traditions of measuring geographically mediated spillovers and productivity studies that introduce a geographic dimension. The first part identities four separate strains in the empirical spillover literature: innovation production functions; the linkages between patent citations. defined as paper trails: the rnobility of skilled labor based on the notion that knowledge spillovers are transmitted through people; and, last, knowledge spillovers embodied in traded goods. The second part considers the composition of agglomeration economies, the attributes of knowledge, and the characteristics of firms.},
number = {1-2},
urldate = {2017-10-28},
journal = {Economics of Innovation and New Technology},
author = {Feldman, Maryann P.},
month = jan,
year = {1999},
keywords = {Geography, Innovation, L2, Location JEL Classification: 03, Spillovers},
pages = {5--25}
Agglomeration benefits and location choice by Keith Head.
title = {Agglomeration benefits and location choice: {Evidence} from {Japanese} manufacturing investments in the {United} {States}},
volume = {38},
issn = {0022-1996},
shorttitle = {Agglomeration benefits and location choice},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/0022-1996(94)01351-R},
abstract = {Recent theories of economic geography suggest that firms in the same industry may be drawn to the same locations because proximity generates positive externalities or ‘agglomeration effects’. Under this view, chance events and government inducements can have a lasting influence on the geographical pattern of manufacturing. However, most evidence on the causes and magnitude of industry localization has been based on stories, rather than statistics. This paper examines the location choices of 751 Japanese manufacturing plants built in the United States since 1980. Conditional logit estimates support the hypothesis that industry-level agglomeration benefits play an important role in location decisions.},
number = {3},
urldate = {2017-11-06},
journal = {Journal of International Economics},
author = {Head, Keith and Ries, John and Swenson, Deborah},
month = may,
year = {1995},
keywords = {Agglomeration, Foreign direct investment},
pages = {223--247}
The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship by Zoltan Acs. Cited by 1037
title = {The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship},
volume = {32},
issn = {0921-898X, 1573-0913},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s11187-008-9157-3},
abstract = {Contemporary theories of entrepreneurship generally focus on the recognition of opportunities and the decision to exploit them. Although the entrepreneurship literature treats opportunities as exogenous, the prevailing theory of economic growth suggests they are endogenous. This paper advances the microeconomic foundations of endogenous growth theory by developing a knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship. Knowledge created endogenously results in knowledge spillovers, which allow entrepreneurs to identify and exploit opportunities.},
language = {en},
number = {1},
urldate = {2017-11-10},
journal = {Small Business Economics},
author = {Acs, Zoltan J. and Braunerhjelm, Pontus and Audretsch, David B. and Carlsson, Bo},
month = jan,
year = {2009},
pages = {15--30}
Corporate Growth Convergence in Europe by Paul Geroski and Klaus Gugler. Cited by 179
title = {Corporate {Growth} {Convergence} in {Europe}},
volume = {56},
issn = {0030-7653},
url = {},
abstract = {It is widely believed that the implementation of the Single Market Programme in 1992 has induced a transformation in industrial structures across Europe. Some people believe that it has driven Europe towards a common industrial structure. However, using a newly available database covering nearly every firm above 100 employees in 14 European countries over the time period 1994 to 1998, the hypothesis of convergence in corporate sizes within industries is unambiguously rejected by the data. A Gibrat process best describes the growth of very large and mature firms, but smaller and younger firms depart from this prediction. Pre-post 1992 comparisons using another database for larger listed firms reveal that the speed of convergence actually decreased post-1992.},
number = {4},
urldate = {2017-11-10},
journal = {Oxford Economic Papers},
author = {Geroski, Paul and Gugler, Klaus},
year = {2004},
pages = {597--620}
Regional Advantage by AnnaLee Saxenian. Cited by 11567
title = {Regional {Advantage} — {AnnaLee} {Saxenian} {\textbar} {Harvard} {University} {Press}},
url = {},
abstract = {Why is it that business in California's Silicon Valley flourished while along Route 128 in Massachusetts declined in the 90s? The answer, Saxenian suggests, has to do with the fact that despite similar histories and technologies, Silicon Valley developed a decentralized but cooperative industrial system while Route 128 came to be dominated by independent, self-sufficient corporations. The result of more than one hundred interviews, this compelling analysis highlights the importance of local sources of competitive advantage in a volatile world economy.},
urldate = {2017-11-10}
==GIS mapping==
Geography, Industrial Organization, and Agglomeration by Stuart S. Rosenthal and William C. Strange. Cited by 1238. Fit in category (2) and (3)
title = {Geography, {Industrial} {Organization}, and {Agglomeration}},
volume = {85},
issn = {0034-6535},
url = {},
doi = {10.1162/003465303765299882},
abstract = {This paper makes two contributions to the empirical literature on agglomeration economies. First, the paper uses a unique and rich database in conjunction with mapping software to measure the geographic extent of agglomerative externalities. Previous papers have been forced to assume that agglomeration economies are club goods that operate at a metropolitan scale. Second, the paper tests for the existence of organizational agglomeration economies of the kind studied qualitatively by Saxenian (1994). This is a potentially important source of increasing returns that previous empirical work has not considered. Results indicate that localization economies attenuate rapidly and that industrial organization affects the benefits of agglomeration.},
number = {2},
urldate = {2017-11-06},
journal = {The Review of Economics and Statistics},
author = {Rosenthal, Stuart S. and Strange, William C.},
month = may,
year = {2003},
pages = {377--393}
Where is Creativity in the City? Integrating Qualitative and GIS Methods by Chris Brennan-Horley and Chris Gibson
title = {Where is {Creativity} in the {City}? {Integrating} {Qualitative} and {GIS} {Methods}},
volume = {41},
issn = {0308-518X},
shorttitle = {Where is {Creativity} in the {City}?},
url = {},
doi = {10.1068/a41406},
abstract = {This paper discusses a new blend of methods developed to answer the question of where creativity is in the city. Experimentation with new methods was required because of empirical shortcomings with existing creative city research techniques; but also to respond to increasingly important questions of where nascent economic activities occur outside the formal sector, and governmental spheres of planning and economic development policy. In response we discuss here how qualitative methods can be used to address such concerns, based on experiences from an empirical project charged with the task of documenting creative activity in Darwin—a small city in Australia's tropical north. Diverse creative practitioners were interviewed about their interactions with the city—and hard-copy maps were used as anchoring devices around spatially orientated interview questions. Results from this interview-mapping process were accumulated and analysed in a geographical information system (GIS). Digital maps produced by this method revealed patterns of concentration and imagined ‘epicentres’ of creativity in Darwin, and showed how types of sites and spaces of the city are imagined as ‘creative’ in different ways. Qualitative mapping of creativity enabled the teasing out of contradictory and divergent stories of the location of creativity in the urban landscape. The opportunities which such methods present for researchers interested in how economic activities are ‘lived’ by workers, situated in social networks, and reproduced in everyday, material, spaces of the city are described.},
language = {en},
number = {11},
urldate = {2017-11-07},
journal = {Environment and Planning A},
author = {Brennan-Horley, Chris and Gibson, Chris},
month = nov,
year = {2009},
pages = {2595--2614}

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