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Revision as of 10:23, 22 March 2019

Team Member
Researcher"Researcher" is not in the list (Faculty, Staff, Student) of allowed values for the "Has team position" property.
Anne Freeman
Status Active
Degree Bachelor
Major Computer Science
Skills (Students only) data analysis, databases, machine learning
Email aof7@georgetown.edu
Projects AngelList Database, Defining Incubators, Ecosystem Organization Classifier, Google Crawler, INBIA, Incubator Classifier - Formulate baseline attributes, Incubator Seed Data
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I'm working on the Kauffman Incubator Project.

My initial goal is to define data fields within an excel spreadsheet/relational database for entrepreneurship ecosystem organizations. These fields should be numeric, yes/no, or categories with a defined number of options.

Qualities of the Data: - Distinguish between incubators and other entrepreneurship organizations - Distinguish between high growth tech incubators and other incubators - Collected using automated/web scraping methods

Plan of Action - How do experts differentiate incubators and other entrepreneurship organizations, such as accelerators?

     - Background pages on wiki
     - Internet research

- Do these definitions match the data?

     - McNair/Projects/Accelerators → see past data on accelerators and incubators, 

- How did the previous group approach this problem?

     - Try and make sense of the files on the shared drive (McNair/Projects/Accelerators)