[[Grace Tan]] [[Work Logs]] [[Grace Tan (Work Log)|(log page)]]
2018-06-27: Took the dictionary of accelerator to founder UUIDs and formed a table with the UUIDs combined with names of founders, gender, and linkedin_url. The file is in Z:\crunchbase2\FounderAccInfo.txt . Started looking at linkedin crawler documentation and got the crawler to get information from profiles with known urls. It crashed when it tried searching up founder names and accelerators so will work on that tomorrow.
2018-06-26: Ended up finding all founders manually. Then talked to Ed and figured out how to get the founder data off the crunchbase API with a link (see project page). Created a python script that goes through all the API pages for each accelerator API and returns a dictionary of accelerator UUIDs mapped to founder UUIDs. I found 209 founders on the API but 224 manually so we'll look at the discrepancy tomorrow.