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Free Enterprise
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@article{st._john_iii_view_2010, title = {A {VIEW} {THAT}'{S} {FIT} {TO} {PRINT}: {The} {National} {Association} of {Manufacturers}' free enterprise rhetoric as integration propaganda in {The} {New} {York} {Times}, 1937–1939}, volume = {11}, shorttitle = {A {VIEW} {THAT}'{S} {FIT} {TO} {PRINT}}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14616700903290585}, abstract = {This study examines the appearance of National Association of Manufacturers'(NAM) propaganda, from 1937 to 1939, in articles within The New York Times. NAM's ability to place such rhetoric in The New York Times reveals both the presence of integration propaganda and the beginning of a press acclimation to propaganda as news. This examination reveals a crystallizing of professional journalism's reliance on authoritative, yet propagandistic sources, a dynamic that persists to this day.}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {Journalism Studies}, author = {St. John III, Burton}, year = {2010}, pages = {377--392}, file = {Snapshot:files/39/14616700903290585.html:text/html} }

@article{erteszek_corporate_1982, title = {Corporate enterprise and {Christian} ethics}, volume = {40}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00346768200000034}, abstract = {Throughout the world, the moral basis of the free enterprise system faces both new and persistent challenges. It is convincing to a Christian and a man of business that these challenges cannot be met without a new, ethical vision of private enterprise, and a reconfiguration of the moral purpose of corporate life. By a new vision and a moral purpose, I mean a perception of the future that would develop the logic, stimuli, incentives, convictions and commitments which would lead to a more serving and more caring society, one that ...}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {Review of Social Economy}, author = {Erteszek, Jan J.}, year = {1982}, pages = {323--329}, file = {Snapshot:files/45/00346768200000034.html:text/html} }

@article{baumol_entrepreneurship:_1996, title = {Entrepreneurship: {Productive}, unproductive, and destructive}, volume = {11}, shorttitle = {Entrepreneurship}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/088390269400014X}, abstract = {The basic hypothesis is that, while the total supply of entrepreneurs varies among societies, the productive contribution of the society's entrepreneurial activities varies much more because of their allocation between productive activities such as innovation and largely unproductive activities such as rent seeking or organized crime. This allocation is heavily influenced by the relative payoffs society offers to such activities. This implies that policy can influence the allocation of entrepreneurship more effectively than it can influence its ...}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {Journal of Business Venturing}, author = {Baumol, William J.}, year = {1996}, pages = {3--22}, file = {[PDF] from econintel.org:files/47/Baumol - 1996 - Entrepreneurship Productive, unproductive, and de.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/48/088390269400014X.html:text/html} }

@article{wishloff_responsible_2003, title = {Responsible free enterprise: {What} it is and why we don't have it}, volume = {7}, shorttitle = {Responsible free enterprise}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/V2T828023263V870.pdf}, abstract = {An economic system of responsible freeenterprise would (i) give individuals and groupsthe freedom to initiate, own and managebusiness undertakings and (ii) insist that suchundertakings be accompanied by a sense ofsocial and moral responsibility which}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {Teaching Business Ethics}, author = {Wishloff, Jim}, year = {2003}, pages = {229--263}, file = {Snapshot:files/50/10.html:text/html} }

@article{drucker_converting_1984, title = {Converting social problems into business opportunities: {The} new meaning of corporate social responsibility}, volume = {26}, shorttitle = {Converting social problems into business opportunities}, url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=4810669361408720838&hl=en&inst=2735627273918615248&inst=569367360547434339&oi=scholarr}, abstract = {Increasingly, "Social Responsibility of Business" in the years to come will no longer mean "Doing Good" or "Not Doing Harm." It will have to come to mean converting social problems into opportunities for profitable business}, number = {2}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {California management review}, author = {Drucker, Peter F.}, year = {1984}, pages = {53--63}, file = {Snapshot:files/55/scholar.html:text/html} }

@book{friedman_free_nodate, title = {Free to {Choose}: {A} {Personal} {Statement}}, url = {}, author = {Friedman, Milton and Friedman,, Rose D.} }

@article{kilpatrick_why_1975, title = {Why {Students} {Are} {Hostile} to {Free} {Enterprise}.}, volume = {42}, url = {https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ126144}, abstract = {A Gallup study is described, which was commissioned by Oklahoma State Christian College regarding the philosophical orientation of college students generally (liberal or conservative). The author presents selected findings and concludes that students in the national random sample are ignorant of industrial life and generally hostile toward the incentive system.}, number = {6}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {College Store Journal}, author = {Kilpatrick, James L.}, year = {1975}, pages = {92--3} }

@article{cavanach_free_1982, title = {Free {Enterprise} {Values}: {Delayed} {Gratification} or {Immediate} {Fulfillment}}, volume = {40}, shorttitle = {Free {Enterprise} {Values}}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00346768200000035}, abstract = {Lessened productivity along with inflation and unemployment are the principal problems currently facing the US economy. These problems are largely a result of a short-term, expedient time perspective. It is precisely with these issues in mind that President Ronald Reagan set in place an extensive program to deregulate. Government regulations and interference are expensive, intrusive and have been a principal reason for our slower economic growth, so the argument goes. Many of these regulations are unnecessary and .}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {Review of Social Economy}, author = {Cavanach, Gerald E.}, year = {1982}, pages = {330--339}, file = {Snapshot:files/60/00346768200000035.html:text/html} }

@article{baumol_entrepreneurship_1968, title = {Entrepreneurship in economic theory}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1831798}, abstract = {The entrepreneur is at the same time one of the most intriguing and one of the most elusive characters in the cast that constitutes the sub-ject of economic analysis. He has long been recognized as the apex of the hierarchy that determinies the behavior of the firm and thereby bears a heavy responsibility for the vitality of the free enterprise society. In the writings of the classical economist his appearance was frequent, though he remained a shadowy entity without clearly defined form and function. Only Schumpeter and, to some degree}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {The American economic review}, author = {Baumol, William J.}, year = {1968}, pages = {64--71} }

@article{winch_adam_1991, title = {Adam {Smith}: the prophet of free enterprise}, volume = {16}, shorttitle = {Adam {Smith}}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10370196.1991.11733094}, abstract = {When Adam Smith died 200 years ago today, the event was greeted in the Times by a supercilious obituary which alleged that he had courted local opinion in a commercial town by converting his chair of moral philosophy at Glasgow into" a professorship of trade and}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {History of Economics Review}, author = {Winch, Donald}, year = {1991}, pages = {102--106}, file = {[PDF] from hetsa.org.au:files/64/Winch - 1991 - Adam Smith the prophet of free enterprise.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/73/10370196.1991.html:text/html} }

@article{rippa_textbook_1958, title = {The textbook controversy and the free enterprise campaign, 1940-1941}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3692590}, abstract = {50 HISTORY OF EDUCATION JOURNAL attack upon the" anti-advertising" material which, it charged, had been" planted" in the social science textbooks. The editors as-serted that Rugg's textbooks implied that" advertising is an economic waste, that a high proportion of advertising is dishonest and that advertised products are pretty likely to be untrustworthy.'" 4 The following year the Nation's Business stated editorially that parents were still finding" chunks of unamericanism [sic]" in Rugg's textbooks. 5 While the textbook controversy ...}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {History of Education Journal}, author = {Rippa, S. Alexander}, year = {1958}, pages = {49--58} }

@article{arnold_economists_1990, title = {Economists and {Philosophers} as {Critics} of the {Free} {Enterprise} {System}}, volume = {73}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/27903213}, abstract = {A favorite topic in academic political philosophy in the last third of the twentieth century has been the shortcomings of the economic system under which most of us live. Though in recent years there has been some recogni tion of the advantages of the market and the difficulties with alternative economic systems, this has not slowed the steady stream of criticism of this or that aspect of the free enterprise system. The purpose of this essay is to give an account of the geography of various criticisms of this system and to argue that}, number = {4}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {The Monist}, author = {Arnold, N. Scott}, year = {1990}, pages = {621--641} }

@book{brooks_road_2012, title = {The road to freedom: how to win the fight for free enterprise}, shorttitle = {The road to freedom}, url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=5tNvv4I4Z4IC&oi=fnd&pg=PA3&dq=info:9XgI-cmWyN8J:scholar.google.com&ots=izIJ1ScO7I&sig=uJPX-iEWTQlejSZ5WckAuQB_sIA}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, publisher = {Basic Books (AZ)}, author = {Brooks, Arthur C.}, year = {2012}, file = {Snapshot:files/70/books.html:text/html} }

@article{halal_new_1988, title = {The {New} {Capitalism}: {Democratic} {Free} {Enterprise}}, volume = {22}, shorttitle = {The {New} {Capitalism}}, url = {http://search.proquest.com/openview/c1a7173397fa15385f29a523b6ce18af/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=47758}, abstract = {Abstract In the US, the" old capitalism" of the industrial past is giving way to the" new capitalism" of the information age. The new capitalism necessitates a more balanced type of growth that weighs benefits against costs to improve quality of life for all. To provide more personal services, a client-driven form of marketing is emerging that shifts the emphasis from selling to genuinely serving the customer. New capitalism also is restructuring institutions. Leading-edge firms are developing decentralized forms of control, encouraging smal}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-07-19}, journal = {The Futurist}, author = {Halal, William E.}, year = {1988}, pages = {26}, file = {Snapshot:files/72/218554271.html:text/html} }

@book{sennholz_freedom_1956, title = {On {Freedom} and {Free} {Enterprise}: {Essays} in {Honor} of {Ludwig} von {Mises}}, shorttitle = {On {Freedom} and {Free} {Enterprise}}, url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=j_Z4226EKrYC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=info:CV4wpYUuyOAJ:scholar.google.com&ots=Ar5Fehu3xI&sig=N-B7Nk-8jS-ShfM7F0dbmVoGCqw}, abstract = {INDIVIDUAL valuation is the keystone of economic theory. For, fundamentally, economics does not deal with things or material objects. Economics analyzes the logical attributes and consequences of the existence of individual valuations." Things" enter into the picture, of course, since there can be no valuation without things to be valued. But the essence and the driving force of human action, and therefore of the human market economy, are the valuations of individuals. Action is the result of choice among alternatives, and choice ...}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, publisher = {Ludwig von Mises Institute}, author = {Sennholz, Mary}, year = {1956}, file = {[HTML] from google.com:files/81/books.html:text/html} }

@article{barach_transactional_1988, title = {The transactional ethic: {The} ethical foundations of free enterprise reconsidered}, volume = {7}, shorttitle = {The transactional ethic}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/T56T3T746576P160.pdf}, abstract = {A review of the evolution of the ethical foundations of free enterprise reveals the essentially utilitarian ethical foundation prevailing today. To enrich those foundations the article attempts to establish the ethical validity of free transactions by relating them to the basic principle of interpersonal ethics: the Golden Rule. The validity of the transactional ethic is presented as an articulation of freedom in a valid social and economic context.}, number = {7}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {Journal of Business Ethics}, author = {Barach, Jeffrey A. and Elstrott, John B.}, year = {1988}, pages = {545--551}, file = {Snapshot:files/86/10.html:text/html} }

@article{macfie_moral_1967, title = {The moral justification of free enterprise}, volume = {14}, url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9485.1967.tb00753.x/full}, abstract = {ADAM SMITH'S theory has been chosen as a text simply because I know no better start from which to examine the issue before us. I have yet to find a more careful, thorough, detailed, realistic ethical argument for freedom in economic (among other) affairs than that he gives, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, in his treatment of the virtues, prudence and self- command. True, we deal here only with the individual aspect; and this does justice neither to the facts nor to Adam Smith's full theory. But We have grossly inadequate time even for}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {Scottish Journal of Political Economy}, author = {Macfie, A. L.}, year = {1967}, pages = {1--11}, file = {Snapshot:files/90/full.html:text/html} }

@book{brooks_battle:_2011, title = {The battle: {How} the fight between free enterprise and big government will shape {America}'s future}, shorttitle = {The battle}, url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=pUdfy7GqciUC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=info:RQVcSGmPUM8J:scholar.google.com&ots=4BZWvQQ4F7&sig=Fa0dBYBysgOne6NYz-eICAZUR7M}, abstract = {America faces a new culture war. It is not a war about guns, abortions, or gays—rather it is a war against the creeping changes to our entrepreneurial culture, the true bedrock of who we are as a people. The new culture war is a battle between free enterprise and social democracy. Many Americans have forgotten the evils of socialism and the predations of the American Great Society's welfare state programs. But, as American Enterprise Institute's president Arthur C. Brooks reveals in The Battle, the forces for social democracy have}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, publisher = {Basic books}, author = {Brooks, Arthur C.}, year = {2011}, file = {Snapshot:files/92/books.html:text/html} }

@article{powell_jr_attack_1971, title = {Attack on {American} free enterprise system}, url = {http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/darter_materials/79/?utm_source=lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu%2Fdarter_materials%2F79&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPages}, abstract = {Abstract Memorandum from future Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell to the US Chamber of Commerce. This document came to be widely known as the Powell Memorandum. It is seen by many as an influential document in various conservative and pro- corporate political movements.}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, author = {Powell Jr, Lewis F.}, year = {1971}, file = {[PDF] from bc.edu:files/94/Powell Jr - 1971 - Attack on American free enterprise system.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/95/79.html:text/html} }

@book{fones-wolf_selling_1994, title = {Selling free enterprise: {The} business assault on labor and liberalism, 1945-60}, shorttitle = {Selling free enterprise}, url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=W4p8-BAs0dcC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=info:uIh_mJdu3vMJ:scholar.google.com&ots=VDTieSeQme&sig=L75z9k6kOw2MJeZrE285jsHMWEM}, abstract = {During December 1951, half of the adult population of the industrial town of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, took regular breaks from work to study economics on company time. Employees from nineteen firms gathered in small groups to watch a series of films and to participate in discussions that focused on the values and symbols associated with the American way of life, including patriotism, freedom, individualism, competition, and abundance through increasing productivity. 1 That these firms halted production and}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, publisher = {University of Illinois Press}, author = {Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth A.}, year = {1994}, file = {Snapshot:files/97/books.html:text/html} }

@article{friedman_social_2007, title = {The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits}, url = {http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-540-70818-6.pdf#page=172}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {Corporate ethics and corporate governance}, author = {Friedman, Milton}, year = {2007}, pages = {173--178}, file = {[PDF] from umich.edu:files/99/Friedman - 2007 - The social responsibility of business is to increa.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/100/978-3-540-70818-6.html:text/html} }

@article{davis_can_1960, title = {Can {Business} {Afford} to {Ignore} {Social} {Responsibilities}?}, volume = {2}, issn = {0008-1256}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/41166246}, doi = {10.2307/41166246}, abstract = {Few persons would deny that there are significant changes taking place in social, political, economic, and other aspects of modern culture. Some of these changes businessmen may want and others they may dislike, but in either instance the changes do exist and must be faced. As our culture changes, it is appropriate-even mandatory-that businessmen re- examine their role and the functions of business in society. One area undergoing ...}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {California Management Review}, author = {Davis, Keith}, month = apr, year = {1960}, pages = {70--76} }

@article{demsetz_social_1978, title = {Social {Responsibility} in the {Enterprise} {Economy}}, volume = {10}, url = {http://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/swulr10&id=19&div=&collection=}, abstract = {I wish to emphasize at the outset that this article does not present a general ethical system or a specific ethical code to guide business behavior. Too many philosophers and economists, good men and mediocre, have failed in their attempts to-define even" the fair price,"" the just wage," or" fair competition." My purpose is to describe the manner in which a free enterprise economy evaluates behavior, whatever the substantive content of such behavior may be}, journal = {Southwestern University Law Review}, author = {Demsetz, Harold}, year = {1978}, pages = {1}, file = {Social Responsibility in the Enterprise Economy 10 Southwestern University Law Review 1978:files/106/LandingPage.html:text/html} }

@book{baumol_free-market_2002, title = {The {Free}-market {Innovation} {Machine}: {Analyzing} the {Growth} {Miracle} of {Capitalism}}, isbn = {978-0-691-09615-5}, shorttitle = {The {Free}-market {Innovation} {Machine}}, abstract = {Why has capitalism produced economic growth that so vastly dwarfs the growth record of other economic systems, past and present? Why have living standards in countries from America to Germany to Japan risen exponentially over the past century? William Baumol rejects the conventional view that capitalism benefits society through price competition--that is, products and services become less costly as firms vie for consumers. Where most others have seen this as the driving force behind growth, he sees something different--a compound of systematic innovation activity within the firm, an arms race in which no firm in an innovating industry dares to fall behind the others in new products and processes, and inter-firm collaboration in the creation and use of innovations. While giving price competition due credit, Baumol stresses that large firms use innovation as a prime competitive weapon. However, as he explains it, firms do not wish to risk too much innovation, because it is costly, and can be made obsolete by rival innovation. So firms have split the difference through the sale of technology licenses and participation in technology-sharing compacts that pay huge dividends to the economy as a whole--and thereby made innovation a routine feature of economic life. This process, in Baumol's view, accounts for the unparalleled growth of modern capitalist economies. Drawing on extensive research and years of consulting work for many large global firms, Baumol shows in this original work that the capitalist growth process, at least in societies where the rule of law prevails, comes far closer to the requirements of economic efficiency than is typically understood. Resounding with rare intellectual force, this book marks a milestone in the comprehension of the accomplishments of our free-market economic system--a new understanding that, suggests the author, promises to benefit many countries that lack the advantages of this immense innovation machine.}, language = {en}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, author = {Baumol, William J.}, year = {2002}, note = {Google-Books-ID: mYW5B4vnuUUC}, keywords = {Business \& Economics / Economics / General} }

@article{metzner_student_1978, title = {Student {Attitudes} toward the {Free} {Enterprise} {System}}, volume = {10}, issn = {0022-0485}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1182166}, doi = {10.2307/1182166}, abstract = {Over 56 percent of the respondents to the survey felt large companies engaged in price fixing. An even larger proportion (72 percent) believed that American businesses sell consumers products the purchasers don't want or need. Over 85 percent of the students believed it was wrong for business to use corporate funds to influence government decisions. A majority (over 64 percent) of the respondents felt American business did not}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {The Journal of Economic Education}, author = {Metzner, Henry E. and Sims, Edwin C.}, year = {1978}, pages = {46--50} }

@article{rippa_dissemination_1959, title = {Dissemination of the {Free}-{Enterprise} {Creed} to {American} {Schools}}, volume = {67}, issn = {0036-6773}, url = {http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/442511}, doi = {10.1086/442511}, abstract = {The free-enterprise campaign launched during the late thirties marked a significant turning point in relations between business and education in the United States. Beset by adverse publicity during the depression and deeply disturbed by New Deal victories, business leaders turned to the nation's schools in an effort to perpetuate the free-enterprise creed. The distribution of pamphlets to American youth and the preparation of audio-visual devices for use in classrooms were early signs of the sudden interest of business leaders in the ...}, number = {4}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {The School Review}, author = {Rippa, S. Alexander}, month = dec, year = {1959}, pages = {409--421}, file = {Snapshot:files/116/442511.html:text/html} }

@article{allitt_ayn_2011, title = {{AYN} {RAND} {AND} {AMERICAN} {CONSERVATISM} {IN} {THE} {COLD} {WAR} {ERA}}, volume = {8}, issn = {1479-2451, 1479-2443}, url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/modern-intellectual-history/article/ayn-rand-and-american-conservatism-in-the-cold-war-era/91885C31847D32453FD90A928D9AF44D}, doi = {10.1017/S1479244311000151}, abstract = {An American conservative movement developed rapidly after World War II. It brought together intellectuals and politicians opposed to the New Deal in domestic policy and Soviet communism in foreign policy. The movement's first presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, lost the election of 1964 but its second, Ronald Reagan, won the election of 1980. It has remained an influential force in American life up to the present, despite strong internal contradictions, which include disagreements about centralized power, about religion, about tradition, about elites, and about the free market. To some of the movement's early luminaries, such as Russell Kirk, free-market capitalism was the antithesis of conservatism since it required perpetual innovation and the sweeping away of traditional forms. To others, such as Ayn Rand, capitalism was the heart and soul of conservatism because it alone preserved the dignity and freedom of the individual.}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-07-20}, journal = {Modern Intellectual History}, author = {Allitt, Patrick}, month = apr, year = {2011}, pages = {253--263}, file = {Full Text PDF:files/147/Allitt - 2011 - AYN RAND AND AMERICAN CONSERVATISM IN THE COLD WAR.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/148/91885C31847D32453FD90A928D9AF44D.html:text/html} }

@article{richerson_evolution_2008, title = {The evolution of free enterprise values}, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=929169}, abstract = {Free enterprise economic systems evolved in the modern period as culturally transmitted values related to honesty, hard work, and education achievement emerged. One evolutionary puzzle is why most economies for the past 5,000 years have had a limited role for free enterprise given the spectacular success of modern free economies. Another is why if humans became biologically modern 50,000 years ago did it take until 11,000 years ago for agriculture, the economic foundation of states, to begin. Why didn't free enterprise}, urldate = {2017-07-25}, author = {Richerson, Peter and Boyd, Rob}, year = {2008}, file = {[PDF] from researchgate.net:files/155/Richerson and Boyd - 2008 - The evolution of free enterprise values.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/156/papers.html:text/html} }

@article{solomon_free_2006, title = {Free enterprise, sympathy, and virtue}, url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6QrvmNo2qD4C&oi=fnd&pg=PA16&dq=info:mD7mFEgIOJAJ:scholar.google.com&ots=CTmHyJIYLQ&sig=KMa2iPPxq0dUsQCX1iwLVJu0dG0}, abstract = {How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it. Of this kind is pity or compassion, the emotion which we feel for the misery of others.... The greatest ruffian, the most hardened violator of the laws of society, is not altogether without it.}, urldate = {2017-07-25}, journal = {Moral markets: The critical role of values in the economy}, author = {Solomon, Robert C.}, year = {2006}, pages = {16--41}, file = {[PDF] from researchgate.net:files/161/Solomon - 2006 - Free enterprise, sympathy, and virtue.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/162/books.html:text/html} }

@article{chewning_can_1984, title = {Can free enterprise survive ethical schizophrenia?}, volume = {27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0007681384900028}, abstract = {This century is seeing changes in our underlying philosophy—in how we view existence itself and our part in it, in how we know and accept facts, in what we consider right and wrong. Given these very basic changes in our culture, where will business as we know it go in the future?}, number = {2}, urldate = {2017-07-25}, journal = {Business Horizons}, author = {Chewning, Richard C.}, year = {1984}, pages = {5--11}, file = {[PDF] from cbfa-cbar.org:files/164/Chewning - 1984 - Can free enterprise survive ethical schizophrenia.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/165/0007681384900028.html:text/html} }