According to the documentation, the inventor's name and city are required to be listed, and the street, state, and country of the inventor may also be listed.
Paragraphs of abstract may also be listed under logical group "Abstract" in a field called "abstract":
'''2005 - present'''
<!--A concise summary of the disclosure.-->
<!ELEMENT abstract (doc-page+ | (abst-problem , abst-solution) | p+)>
<!ATTLIST abstract id ID #IMPLIED
An abstract is required to be included for all patents that are not design patents, and according to the DTD must have at least one paragraph element.
<!--(US: applicant is always the inventor. Use "applicant" with applicant type attribute of "applicant-inventor.")-->
<!ELEMENT applicant (addressbook+ , nationality , residence , us-rights* , designated-states? , designated-states-as-inventor?)>
<!ATTLIST applicant sequence CDATA #REQUIRED
app-type (applicant | applicant-inventor ) #REQUIRED
designation (all | all-except-us | us-only | as-indicated ) #REQUIRED >
== Test Plan ==