==Work Experience==
Shelby has worked as a tour guide at Rice University since her freshman year. She has also interned in software engineering at Spiceworks in Austin, Texas, and will intern at Microsoft in Seattle, Washington, during the summer of 2017. Other internships include writing for the Internet Bar Association.
| Table || Current Attributes (primary key in red) || New Attributes (primary key in red) (relate back to patent in blue)
| Patent || patent (same thing as patentnumber), grantdate, prioritydate (date patent was filed), prioritycountry (country patent was filed in), prioritypatentnumber (application number), cpcsubgroup, pctpatentnumber (only relevant if applying for international patents), claims, appnum, grantyear, appdate, appyear, nber(only relevant for utility patents), uspc, uspc_sub (categorizes patents) || patentnumber, grantdate, prioritydate, prioritycountry, prioritypatentnumber, cpcsubgroup, claims, grantyear, nber (NULL for non-utility patents), uspc, uspc_sub, appdate, appyear
==Time at McNair==
[[Shelby Bice (Work Log)]]
[[Shelby Bice (Research Plan)]]