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#REDIRECT [[Image:Glossary.png|thumb|300px]] ''Return to'' [[Small Business Development Ecosystem of Houston]]. This is a glossary of the terms used in the Small Business Development Ecosystem Portal. '''Name''':<br />This is the official name of the organization. Keep in mind that some organizations may be part of a larger umbrella program or organization. '''Classification''':<br />This is the type of organization available to small business owners. Although the classification of an organization describes its primary purpose, the business may offer services outside of its classification. {| class="wikitable sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray; bgcolor: #f9f9f9"| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Classification'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description'''|-| Certifier||An organization that is a certifier provides formal accreditations that accompany a training program or application. Certifications can be required, or just plain beneficial, for small businesses to complete.|-| Consultant||An organization that is a consultant gives you advice regarding problems or concerns you have about your business.|-| Development Center|||-| Education Hub||An organization that is an education hub for small business owners can come in a variety of forms, from enrolling in full-on MBA programs to taking specific courses on search engine optimization and identifying target audience. Here, we focus on the smaller and more affordable education resources that don't require enrollment in a degree program. Education is one of the many helpful resources for your small business. The amount of time and money small business owners should invest into additional education will vary from person to person so explore your options.|-| Financier||Financing is obtaining funds for your enterprise. Many organizations have money or resources available to help you get the funding you need to finance your business.|-| Incubator||An incubator offers services to startups like training, education, mentoring, connections and possibly office space without a specific, finite program for the startup to complete (i.e. finite = accelerator)|-| Marketer|||-| Networking Hub||Networking is one of many helpful resources to explore for your small business. If you've started a small business (or are on your way to starting one), there's a high chance that you've heard the term "networking" at some point in your career. There’s not one all-encompassing definition for networking but, generally, networking is about building connections and sustaining enduring, mutually beneficial relationships.  |-|} '''Non-Profit Status''':<br />Is this organization a [[SBDE Non-Profit Corporations | non-profit]] or a [[SBDE For-Profit Corporations|for-profit]]? Generally, non-profits exist to provide a public service. '''Cost''':<br />How much does it cost to use the particular resource? {| class="wikitable sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray; bgcolor: #f9f9f9"| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Cost'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Price Description'''|-| $||<$50|-| $$||$50-250|-| $$$||$250-1000|-| $$$$||>$1000|-|} '''Developmental Stage:''' <br />The developmental stage listed in each institution's info box is the suggested business development stage that an entrepreneur should ''at least'' be at in order to succeed with an organization. Many times, knowing which areas of business development you need assistance with can make the whole process more efficient. <br /> {| class="wikitable sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray; bgcolor: #f9f9f9"| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Development Stage'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description'''|-| Concept||The small business owner needs assistance with or has recently completed their business plan, and basic development of their business's structure.|-| Start-Up||The business has just become incorporated.|-| Growth||The small business owner has perhaps turned a profit or is more comfortable with their initial planning and seeks to scale their business growth.|-| Established||The business has been around for at least a couple years and the owner feels confident about their role as an entrepreneur.|-|} '''[[SBDE_Resources_for_Minorities|Minorities]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific resources for minority small business owners. '''[[SBDE_Resources_for_Women|Women]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific resources for female small business owners. '''[[SBDE_Education|Education]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific education resources for small business owners. '''[[SBDE Certification|Certification]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific certification resources for small businesses and their owners. '''[[SBDE Consulting|Consulting]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific consulting resources for small business owners. '''[[SBDE Co-Working Space|Coworking]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific co-working spaces for small businesses. '''[[SBDE Financing|Financing]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific financing resources for your small business. '''[[SBDE Meeting Space|Meeting]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific meeting spaces for small businesses. '''[[SBDE Mentoring|Mentoring]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific mentoring opportunities for small business owners. '''[[SBDE Networking|NetworkingGlossary]]:''' <br />This organization provides specific networking opportunities for small business owners. '''Website:''' <br />This is the official website of the organization, where you can find out more about the resource and its services. '''Contact E-Mail:''' <br />This is an e-mail used to communicate with the organization. Keep in mind there is more than one way to contact the organization (e.g. Facebook Messenger, Twitter, phone call) '''Contact Phone Number:''' <br />This is a phone number used to communicate with the organization. Keep in mind there is more than one way to contact the organization (e.g. Facebook Messenger, Twitter, E-Mail)

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